- Abortion: Questions and Answers Jack Wilke MD
- note this used to be up on Ohio Right to Life
and now is unavailable on the web - ORTL probably took it down
because it was poorly formated (no HTML tools in those days) and
because it is somewhat outdated as it contains no information newer
than 1990 - except where I have notated in this version, but I feel
it is important to look at it - there are many medical cites which
have been confirmed in modern studies over and over and this gives
the early evidence against abortion confirming that even when Roe V
Wade came down, abortion was considered unethical, and medically
unsound and dangerous for the woman. Old as it is, it remains one of
the most carefully researched books available. These are excerpts -
the entire book is available on some pro life websites and I have
added some notes and references to some of the newer research not
originally included in the book. It still remains one of the best
books on abortion ever written:
- Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 5:
when does human life begin - should the
unborn baby be considered a person, philosophically and
under the law and physically
- Chapter 4:
History of abortion - did the Catholic church oppose it -
how about the early fathers of the USA?
- Chapter 6 and 10:
Supreme Court decision and early attempts to
reverse it and Fetal Pain
- Chapters 12-13:
types of abortion, late physical
complications, the medical information about abortion and
comparison of abortion and other types of surgery
- Chapter 14:
under reporting of death and early
- Chapter 16:
Late physical complications for the
mother, subsequent pregnancies etc
- Chapter on
Cloning and Fetal
Research/Baby parts market
RU 486 or chemical abortion