The myths and facts about abortion

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Below are some commonly held ideas about abortion contrasted with the facts.

Myth: Abortion is legal, therefore, it must be right.
Fact: It is true that many people judge by what is legal to decide if it is right or not. However, the fact remains that some Supreme Court decisions (like the Dred Scott decision which removed the African-American's right to life) may NOT be moral or ethical. The Supreme Court only has to decide if it is constitutional.  That being said, since many people use the law as a litmus test, this would be one of the strongest arguments to make abortion illegal.

Myth: If Abortion is made illegal, then women will be put in jail for having an abortion.
Fact: That has never been the way things have worked. Basically the doctor who performs the abortion could be liable to a fine or more.  In practical terms, however, what would likely happen is that we would go back to doctors performing "therapeutical abortions" in hospitals as they did before Roe v Wade.  What would change is woman would no longer use abortion as birth control and that type of thing.  In one survey 75 percent of women stated if abortion were not legal, they would not abort. 

Myth: Abortion is safer than childbirth.
Fact: Most deaths from abortions are recorded as pregnancy deaths, thus making pregnancy seem dangerous and abortion seem safe.  Abortion is an act very much against nature, shocking the woman's body in one of the worst ways, greatly raising the risk for breast cancer.  Physical repercussions of an abortion can include adhesions, perforated uterus, sterility and difficulty in following pregnancies.  Psychologically, many women suffer extreme distress for years following the abortion.  Statistics from the Reardon Institute (among others) show that aborted women have a higher rate of suicide, substance abuse and depression.

Myth:A woman should have a right to "choose."
Fact: But why is it that "the right to choose" only involves terminating a baby?  A woman does NOT have the right to choose to smoke pot nor does she have the right to choose to sell her body in prostitution.  If she does "choose" these things, she gets put in jail even though ONLY her body is involved in those choices.  On the other hand, if she chooses to have an abortion, this is condoned despite the fact that the life of another individual is involved.  

Also, where are the protections for the baby's rights?  Most people, even severely handicapped individuals would NOT choose death if given the choice  At present, there is no protection for the unborn baby because the Supreme Court decided NOT that the baby isn't human right FROM conception (that was pretty well proven) but rather that the writers of the constitution did not intend to include the unborn in the unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  In fact, the truth is that when the constitution was drafted only 5 percent of Caucasian males had full rights.  If we are going to be consistent, than no one's rights (except perhaps Caucasian males) are protected and we need to have a Constitutional Convention to right that wrong!  

Myth:Though I would never have an abortion myself, I don't believe I should impose my morality on others.
Fact: The fact is that most of our laws do legislate moral issues.  When there is another life involved, protection of that life is considered appropriate. Also by not protecting the unborn baby, aren't we imposing our morality on him/her?

Myth:Abortion is appropriate after a rape.
Fact: Less than 1 percent of rapes end up in pregnancy however, if a pregnancy results, terminating the innocent baby only compounds the mother's distress and injury as there is a lot of evidence that the mother bonds with her baby soon after conception.  On the other hand, carrying the pregnancy fulltime and having a sweet baby which resulted, can do a lot to heal the mother's injury from the rape. (And I've known some ladies who did keep their babies after a rape and the baby brought great healing into their lives - even after the child grew up)

Myth:Abortion is appropriate in the case of incest  
Fact:In the vast majority of cases, abortion after incest protects the sexual predator and not the victim. If a pregnant incest victim terminates her baby, the predator has no reason to stop the incest.  On the contrary, if the mother carries the pregnancy and keeps the baby, this has a great potential of stopping the incestuous attacks.

Myth:If abortion is made illegal again, women will resort to back-alley abortions.
Fact:According to Bernard Nathenson, MD, co-founder of NARAL, the year before Roe V Wade, there were 100,000 abortions done, and 95 percent of them were done by doctors in hospitals.  He admitted that they had fabricated the stories about all the "backstreet abortions" to sway the American public to accept the practice of legalized abortion.  Statistically, there are actually more backstreet abortions happening now than before legalized abortion.  Abortion clinics require cash up front ($250-$500).  If a woman does not have that type of cash, she will seek a backstreet practitioner.

Myth:Abortion is a "private" decision between a woman and her doctor.
Fact: Many terminations of human life are private decisions - for instance a termination by a hit man is a private decision between the hit man and his victim.  Being a private decision doesn't make it appropriate or right. In the case of Thalidimide which injured many young children as well as women who consumed the medication, the Pharmaceutical company, Distillers did not allow the press to inform people about the dangers of this drug.  Their excuse for gagging the press, was "this is a private issue between the pharmaceutical company and its clients".  (ref: Brynner and Stevens: DARK REMEDY)

Myth:Abortion does not raise the risk for breast cancer
Fact: In 28 out of 31 worldwide studies, it was shown that abortion SIGNIFICANTLY raises the risk for breast cancer. This is because of the undifferentiated cells in the breasts formed during the first trimester which the body "forgets" to destroy after an abortion (in which a woman becomes UNpregnant in 5 minutes.  One of the first published studies which showed aborted women as having as high as a 250 percent greater risk of breast cancer was the Janet Daling study of 2000 women. Daling, a pro-choice scientist tried to withhold her findings from the news services.  The Melbye study which proved no risk, counted 60,000 aborted women as woman who had NOT had abortions. When this is adjusted, the Melbye study showed a higher risk of breast cancer after abortion than other studies.

Did you know:

  • Jane Roe (Norma McCorvey) of Roe V Wade never had the abortion they fought for her right to have, in the Supreme Court (they lied to her that the case would be decided in time for her to abort).  She went on to become pro life and a couple of years ago, converted to the Catholic church. She is fighting as we speak to reverse the Roe V Wade decision
  • Jane Doe of Doe v Bolton (companion decision to Roe V Wade) has also turned pro life and wants HER decision reversed
  • Dr Bernard Nathenson who was a co-founder of NARAL for the purpose of advocating for legalized abortion and one of the early abortion rights activists, is now pro life and also converted to the Catholic church
  • Abby Johnson who once ran 6 abortion clinics is now prolife - after seeing a procedure all the way through.  She now advocates for pro life and also converted to the Catholic church.

These are only a few of the people once involved in the abortion industry who changed their minds.