Who Was Susan G Komen Anyway?

Susan G Komen was the sister of Nancy Brinker .   Komen got breast cancer when she was in her mid thirties and her death was apparently partially due to poor medical treatment - she had 9 surgeries, radiation and chemo therapy before she died at age 36. According to the "official story", Brinker promised her dying sister to work to fight this illness.  Brinker founded the Susan G Komen organization in 1982 and by the mid 1990's, it had seen a meteoric rise which was, probably somewhat due to the participation of her husband, owner and founder of Brinker International which owns over 1200 restaurants in the US including Chili's.

One of the Komen org's enthusiastic supporters is Planned Parenthood which receives thousands of dollars in grant money from Komen each year for their "breast cancer screening " program.  This is, of course, a bit ironic since Planned Parenthood is more part of the cause than the solution i.e. their largest profits come from the sales of estrogen contraception medication which was added to the FDA list of known carcingens (cancer causing) in 2001 and from doing abortions, shown in 28 international studies to greatly raise the risk of breast cancer.  (see www.abortionbreastcancer.com )


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